
Numenta Work Environment
Numenta is based in the San Francisco Bay Area with a physical office in downtown Redwood City. For Bay Area employees, we are currently requesting that employees work from the office on Tuesday and Wednesday. The remaining days, employees can choose to work from the office or from home. For employees outside the Bay Area, we ask that they travel to Redwood City at least two times per year at specified times. The Numenta office is restricted to people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Prospective employees should be prepared to submit documentation of vaccination.

No Current Openings
We currently don’t have any open engineering or research positions. However, if your passion lies in AI/ML training, building high-performance AI platforms, or doing cutting edge research in new areas of AI, we’d love to hear from you. Please send your resume, along with a few paragraphs detailing your interest in Numenta, to