Numenta On Intelligence–Our New Podcast Series

There are some pretty interesting conversations that take place within the walls of Numenta on a regular basis – from visiting neuroscientists exploring connections between their work and our theories to Numenta employees drawing up examples of a recent discovery in action. These conversations are an important part of our research process.

And now we want to bring these conversations to you. That’s why we’re launching a new podcast series called Numenta On Intelligence that I’m co-hosting with our Open Source Community Manager, Matt Taylor.

Just like it sounds, Numenta On Intelligence is a podcast about intelligence – specifically, how it works in the brain and how understanding the biological principles may be the most efficient path to machine intelligence.

Every month we’ll bring you a new episode that features a conversation about brain-related topics. Some will dive into neuroscience, like our upcoming two-part premiere episode with Matt interviewing Numenta Co-founder Jeff Hawkins about a couple of our more recent research concepts. Others will be appropriate for non-scientific listeners who are simply curious about how the brain works and why that’s such an important problem to solve.

Numenta On Intelligence is available now on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and many other podcast providers. Subscribe today and drop us a line at to let us know what conversations you’d like to hear on future episodes.


Christy Maver • VP of Marketing
