New Article by Jeff Hawkins Appears in IEEE Spectrum Special Report

IEEE Spectrum Article

IEEE Spectrum, the flagship magazine and website of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, recently published a special report devoted to brains. Specifically, the issue looks at efforts to recreate human cognition and how understanding brains will enable the next generation of computing and transform our lives. Our co-founder, Jeff Hawkins, was invited to write an article for this edition. In his piece, “What Intelligent Machines Need To Learn From The Neocortex,” Jeff argues that machines won’t become intelligent unless they incorporate certain features of the human brain, and he highlights three of them. This article is particularly exciting for Numenta because it’s the first one that includes our latest discovery in sensorimotor integration.

I sat down with Jeff to talk with him about the article. Click on the image above to hear our conversation, in which I asked him to discuss the importance of building biologically based intelligent machines, the features of intelligence we can’t ignore and the far reaching implications of machine intelligence.

The full article is available in print for IEEE Spectrum subscribers or online at this link. We’d love to know what you think. Share your thoughts about the article in the comments or continue the discussion on the HTM Forum.

Christy Maver • Director of Marketing